Goran Ristic Eng.   PORTFOLIO
Automatic Mobile Band Scissors
with Band - Inversion Device
Design technological requirements were:
To achieve smooth cutting of a required band - piece, 5m long - a band being an integral part of an electrode. Such piece band had been inverted onto the work - table in order to attain its further assembling. Here, the major technological problem was to achieve a continual, smooth cutting of required band - segments, using the speed of 0.5 m/s per piece. No deformation (deviation) of a treated band's cutting spot was tolerated, since it could had created problems in further assembling process. Being highly conscientious, I have respected all those requirements and have created an original device consisting of:
1.) Mobile scissors which, starting from the resting position, gradually reach the speed of a treated band and only then proceed with its cutting. In such a way, I have eliminated problematic but usual errors on a treated band. After fulfilling their initial cutting operation, the scissors automatically return to their starting position, waiting for the next cutting cycle to come. Those automatic scissors are accustomed to cut an industrial band in both directions.

2.) The inverting table, designed to measure a band, transfers it to the assembling table immediately after its cutting is performed. All following operations are performed by special pneumatic elements. The logic of this system is constructively materialized within the relay automatic device located on the mobile carts of those scissors (See the blue box on mechanism's top, in pictures) The carts with scissors move on short-designed rails.
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