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Letters of Recommendation & References
Goran Ristic Eng.
Other Letters
Toronto, Canada
Other Letters
This page contains selected texts from letters of recommendations. 
Original letters of recommendation with signatures and contact information are available upon request.

To Whom It May Concern:                 Toronto, 22.03.2015.

Comments by G. M. regarding Goran Ristic's 2014/15 working objectives:

Goran continues to very effectively support one of the critical capabilities with SX R&D - engineering computational analysis. Through his deep understanding of both computational tools (ANSYS and Lorentz) as well as engineering principles he provides invaluable feedback to multiple design teams in critical areas of their designs (field strength analysis for HV designs; thermal and vibration analysis for system and optics; thermal and strength testing for different configurations). Goran doesn't only provide theoretical/computational analysis result but often calibrates/improves his models through gathered empirical results in order to improve accuracy of his models. This early design feedback is critical in achieving optimal designs faster and avoiding costly ($ and time) design iterations. In addition, Goran has demonstrated his deep understanding of mechatronics design (a very rare skill at SX - Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering that includes a combination of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, telecommunications engineering, control engineering and computer engineering – Wikipedia definition) by developing one complicated mechanism and all his aspects (concept, ME and EE design, control SW algorithm; manufacturing process and tools. Breath of Goran's engineering skills is a rare find and is proving to be a very valuable part of SX R&D team. Great job Goran!

Manager Rating: 4.5 - Outstanding
Comments by Manager:
Goran continues to drive a lot of design innovation to our product designs through his deep understanding of cross-functional engineering principles. His breath of understanding of engineering disciplines uniquely positions him to look at the problems from different perspectives in order to define the most optimal solution.
He never accepts the presented problems as difficulties but rather as challenges that he relentlessly pursues until they're solved. This is demonstrated in majority of his work on different projects.

Manager Rating: 4.0 - Above Expectations
Comments by Manager:
Goran's very analytical approach makes him very successful in understanding and solving complex engineering problems. He's embraced DFSS approach and achieved a DFSS Black Belt certification. Goran is action oriented in both his computational and experimental analysis and does not back away from difficult problems.

HW Platform Integration for Triples and Traps

Other Letters
G. M. 
HW Platform Integration for
Triples and Traps